Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Who am I?

Who are you?

To many people I am known as Tristan Serrano to them that is who I am. To my father I am known as a loyal son to my mother a caring son to my grandmother a loving grandson and to the rest of my family a good family member to them that is who I am. To my friends i'm a loyal and understanding person. To strangers i'm just another puerto rican and dominican doing what he has to in school who also has a nerdy side to him. Yet I myself often ask the question who am I? to myself and while I still have a lot more to figure out i'm sure I have a good foundation.

I guess first I have to say what I like after all what you do and like does show your personality better than words sometimes. Well my three biggest things I love are video games, movies and comic books so yes I am a geek and damn proud of it. I also love history and yes people that love history do exist were just very rare. I also love learning about other religions and cultures along with their traditions and their food. And finally I just like helping others whether it be teaching them something like history or just helping those in need like community service.

I suppose after what I like is how I describe my own personality. I personally view myself as a man who tries to be kind, always tries to make others happy and love with my corny jokes. Also i'm very accepting person, i'm open to other peoples cultures and religion i'm also open to hearing other peoples opinions on different subjects. I would also consider myself a considerate person always putting other people before myself i've also been told i'm wise for my age. However I will be the first to admit i'm not perfect after all I am just human. I can be stubborn, annoying and I can be close minded to certain things (sports). But I think I i'm still i'm a good person overall.

Overall i'm not fully sure of who I truly am but like I said earlier I think I have a good foundation of who I am. I could be wrong or I could be right I guess in the end its up to me to decide who I am and who I will become. But if you were to ask me right now who I am I would tell you that i'm a tall, white Puerto Rican nerd who loves history and values family, friends and equality above all else. In other words i'm Tristan Serrano and that's all I need to say.

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