Pre Production
Screenwriting :
Questions for followers of the church:
1) What is your stance on Catholics / Christianity church’s that accept homosexuality?2) What does it state specifically in the bible that goes against homosexuality?
3) Where do you stand when you hear people questioning the Bible or its intentions about homosexuality with in your life time?
4) What do you think about religious followers protesting at homosexuals funerals?
5) What do you think of the people that use the bible to instill fear about homosexuality?
Questions for civilian:
1) What is your stand on gay marriage?
2) What is your background when it come to your religious beliefs?
3) Do you attend a church that knows your sexual orientation and are they accepting ?
4) Do you know what the bible says about homosexuality? What do you think about that.
5) What do you think about religious followers protesting at homosexuals funerals?
Storyboarding /Previz (Description)
We will be traveling to different church locations in New York City.
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Then we will be meeting various church officials and civilians.To ask them different questions about how they feel about homosexuality and what the bible says about it.
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We will then begin to record everyones answers.
Crew, Casting
- Crew: Amber Jones (Founder/ Interviewer) Tristan Serrano (Researcher) Stephaney Mohamed ( Film Recorder Kouros trains Stephaney)
- Casting: Church follower 3 (Priest, Bishops, Pastors & Faithful Leaders) Everyday People 3 (Adults & Teens)
- Between the remainder of February until the beginning of March
Location ,Sets
- Location: Between the five boroughs of New York City.
- Sets: Church’s, Streets
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