Monday, June 2, 2014
Victoria's Interview Struggles of Division
Victoria interview from Mediastorm New Design on Vimeo.
This is extra video footage from Victoria Ann Ruiz interview from the struggles of division documentary. Victoria was one of the students interviewed during the making of this documentary because of her experience with the division between those who are for and against homosexuality. She was also one of the longest interviews done and because of this it was difficult to pick and take out specific parts of the interview.
In this interview Victoria talks about every subject that this documentary hopes to adress. Subjects like coming out of the closet, the protest of gay funerals and Church viewpoints on homosexuality. Also what helps make this interview stand out is that every point Victoria makes its clear that she has passion for what she's saying. And its clear that these problems have troubled her and she hopes to resolve them. And like this documentary she offers a solution to the problem and that is the solution she gives helps to emphasize the purpose of this film which is why we choose to release an extended version of her interview.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
The struggles of division trailer
The Struggles of Division from Mediastorm New Design on Vimeo.
The Struggles of Division is a transmedia project focused on understanding teens views on homosexuality and gay marriage and how it has effected there lives. The Struggles of Division will include a documentary film with interactive website that houses interviews as well as factual information on religious beliefs on homosexuality. The work will be presented as part of a symposium on the issue with a panel and showing. The Struggles of Division will open up a door to people with opinions on their sexuality, leaving no restraints with peoples opinion about homosexuality will help others understand how important this topic is and how homosexuality is still a problem for people.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
My Own Spirituality
All my life I have heard different interpretations of what God is suppose to be like. I've heard that he's a loving and caring god who resembles a father to his children. Yet I've also heard that God is vengeful, cruel and unfair and resembles a flaming spirit who views all as vile and evil. I'll be the first to admit that i'm not a very religious or spiritual man. But I have always been fascinated by the idea of God or other spiritual Deity's such as Zeus. I've always questioned why he did what he choose to do even though they try to explain it in the bible. I especially questioned Gods "Laws" from the bible things such as you can't live with someone unless your married or the most talked about "Law" that two people of the same sex cannot be together. After a long time of thinking about this topic I have finally come to a decision about what type of person God is. I believe that God doesn't care about what you are the only thing he cares about is are you a good person or not? I believe God doesn't care if your black, white, asian, european, hispanic, gay, straight, buddhist, jewish, christian or muslim. I believe that as long as your a good person then he loves you because you are his child and he will allow you into heaven. As long as you care about, respect, accept and love your fellow man and woman then you are considered a good person and thus you deserve to go to heaven. If you hate, discriminate, hurt, abuse or take away your fellow man and woman's rights then you are considered evil and thus not allowed into heaven. I believe God created us and gave us free will so that we could do what makes us happy and thus makes others around us happy. I believe that God make us different to make us unique not inferior. I believe God wants the unity of all men as badly as the any of us and while not directly he does help to show us the way to happiness and he teaches us its up to us to claim that happiness and share it. I believe he made us unique and different as a way to make us independent and strong and with that strength bring us all closer together.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
The Division Effect
The division affects many people in many different ways to many it cause separation and personal problems to others it gives that an ideal or goal to fight for which is to end the division. Its caused family members to argue and fight over whats best for who or whats right or wrong. Its caused others to be treated as outcast or freaks. The growing division has caused many debates, arguments, protest and speeches. It has caused people to think what is right and what is wrong and who has the power to determine whats right and wrong? It caused people to take sides and turn on each other and made people wonder about the future of others. It has even gone as far as lead to violence that continues to grow worse and worse everyday that it is not fixed. This is why I choose to do this project because I see how this division causes such pain, sadness, separation, and intolerance and I hope to help end it as quickly as possible before it has a more negative affect on this society.
Revealing the Division
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Pre - Production Religious Division
Pre Production
Screenwriting :
Questions for followers of the church:
1) What is your stance on Catholics / Christianity church’s that accept homosexuality?2) What does it state specifically in the bible that goes against homosexuality?
3) Where do you stand when you hear people questioning the Bible or its intentions about homosexuality with in your life time?
4) What do you think about religious followers protesting at homosexuals funerals?
5) What do you think of the people that use the bible to instill fear about homosexuality?
Questions for civilian:
1) What is your stand on gay marriage?
2) What is your background when it come to your religious beliefs?
3) Do you attend a church that knows your sexual orientation and are they accepting ?
4) Do you know what the bible says about homosexuality? What do you think about that.
5) What do you think about religious followers protesting at homosexuals funerals?
Storyboarding /Previz (Description)
We will be traveling to different church locations in New York City.
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Then we will be meeting various church officials and civilians.To ask them different questions about how they feel about homosexuality and what the bible says about it.
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We will then begin to record everyones answers.
Crew, Casting
- Crew: Amber Jones (Founder/ Interviewer) Tristan Serrano (Researcher) Stephaney Mohamed ( Film Recorder Kouros trains Stephaney)
- Casting: Church follower 3 (Priest, Bishops, Pastors & Faithful Leaders) Everyday People 3 (Adults & Teens)
- Between the remainder of February until the beginning of March
Location ,Sets
- Location: Between the five boroughs of New York City.
- Sets: Church’s, Streets
Friday, January 10, 2014
What do you think life is about?
What is life about? why are we here? what is our purpose? These questions are asked by everyone in one point of our life's. It takes a lifetime for any person to answer these questions no matter how wise or smart they are. Yet we spend most of our lives telling others what we think life is about even though we can never be truly sure. To me life is about being with and making memories with the ones with the ones you love. Its also about discovering who you are as a person and what you love to do. And then doing whatever it is you love to do. Most importantly life is about whatever you choose to make it about.
There many people who believe life is cruel, mean and tough and that the only way to survive is to be even meaner and tougher than it. I believe that life at times can be tough and there will be times where you will struggle. But the reward you receive from that struggle is worth everything you need to go through. I believe the way of life has the potential to be free and beautiful and its up to us as a race to help achieve that potential. Life can be the most unpredictable thing in a persons life and without knowledge of what will happen will either make people paranoid or encouraged based on the person.
Overall it all depends on the person whether life is cruel and tough or free and beautiful its all the persons choice. The choices we make show and helps us determine what we think life is about and many peoples choices are often different. I believe that maybe if we stop attacking each other because or thoughts on what life is about will help make the world more peaceful and less cruel. Whether you believe life is cruel or beautiful or if you think life is about make some deity makes it or if we choose what life's about we should respect each others right to believe what they want to believe. But thats just my opinion like I said life is about whatever you choose to make it about. To me like is about family, friends, equality and unity.
There many people who believe life is cruel, mean and tough and that the only way to survive is to be even meaner and tougher than it. I believe that life at times can be tough and there will be times where you will struggle. But the reward you receive from that struggle is worth everything you need to go through. I believe the way of life has the potential to be free and beautiful and its up to us as a race to help achieve that potential. Life can be the most unpredictable thing in a persons life and without knowledge of what will happen will either make people paranoid or encouraged based on the person.
Overall it all depends on the person whether life is cruel and tough or free and beautiful its all the persons choice. The choices we make show and helps us determine what we think life is about and many peoples choices are often different. I believe that maybe if we stop attacking each other because or thoughts on what life is about will help make the world more peaceful and less cruel. Whether you believe life is cruel or beautiful or if you think life is about make some deity makes it or if we choose what life's about we should respect each others right to believe what they want to believe. But thats just my opinion like I said life is about whatever you choose to make it about. To me like is about family, friends, equality and unity.
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